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Some care about how much they hold, and some care about how they look, but guys whatever the reason, ‘The beer glass does matter!’

I believe the same beer tastes different when had from different glasses.  From mugs to snifters and everything in-between, the wide variety available today makes beer glassware a collectors paradise. Apart from just looking different they have performance differences too – while some preserve the foam head of your beer, others help enhance its colour. These days special plug-in glasses are available which maintain the perfect temperature of your brew.

Today we talk about my favourite glassware for beer – THE GOBLET

The Goblet is the traditional glassware for fine beer drinking. What I love most about it is its wide opening that presents the overall flavour and aroma of the beer and promotes big, hearty sips. The shape of the goblet helps trap the volatiles, while allowing swirling to agitate them and produce an intense aroma. Chalices are another common name for goblets, as they have the same shape. Chalices usually have thicker glass walls and may be heavier.

Apart from looking very posh they make the beer drinking experience extremely luxurious.
